(42) Women Watch

Scripture: Mark 15:47

Tom Lowe



The courage and affection of these holy women cannot be admired too much. The strength of the Lord is perfected in weakness; for here…a few weak women, acknowledge Jesus in death, when the strong and the mighty utterly forsook him.
HUMAN strength and human weakness are only names in religion. The mightiest MAN, in the hour of trial, can do nothing without the strength of God; and the weakest WOMAN can do all things, if Christ strengthens her.
—Adam Clarke's Commentary

And Mary Magdalene[1]  and Mary the mother of Joses[2]  beheld where he was laid.
—Mark 15:47 (KJV)

Again the women, that is, the two Marys, are mentioned as being present. They were the only mourners. We must admire them for their unfaltering and courageous affection that caused them to stay with Him until the end. We are told that the preponderance of missionaries today are women. Where are the men?

Many had returned to their host families to prepare for the Sabbath, but apparently these two women were still present and watching all that was going on. They followed Joseph and Nicodemus as they removed Jesus’ body from the cross and took Him to the tomb for burial. They planed to return after the Sabbath to anoint the dead body, because they did not have time to do it then. Nothing escaped their scrutiny as the two men handled the dead body of their beloved Jesus.


                    _____________________Special Notes_______________________
  [1]MARY MAGDALENE Ma'ry Magdalene. Different explanations have been given of this name; but the most natural is that she came from the town of Magdala. She appears before us for the first time in Luke 8:2 among the women who "ministered unto Him of their substance." All appear to have occupied a position of comparative wealth. With them both the chief motive was that of gratitude for their deliverance from "evil spirits and infirmities." Of Mary it is said especially that "seven devils went out of her," and the number indicates a possession of more than ordinary malignity. She was present during the closing hours of the agony on the cross. John 19:25 She remained by the cross till all was over, and waited till the body was taken down and placed in the garden sepulcher of Joseph of Arimathaea, Matt 27:61; Mark 15:47; Luke 23:55 when she, with Salome and Mary the mother of James, "bought sweet spices that they might come and anoint" the body. Mark 16:1 The next morning accordingly. In the earliest dawn, Matt 28:1; Mark 16:2 they came with Mary the mother of James to the sepulcher. Mary Magdalene had been to the tomb and had found it empty, and had seen the "vision of angels." Matt 28:5; Mark 16:6 To her first of all Jesus appeared after his resurrection. John 20:14, 15 Mary Magdalene has become the type of a class of repentant sinners; but there is no authority for identifying her with the "sinner" who anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50 neither is there any authority for the supposition that Mary Magdalene is the same as the sister of Lazarus. Neither of these theories has the slightest foundation in fact.
—Smith's Bible Dictionary

  [2]Mary the wife of Cleopas is mentioned (John 19:25) as standing at the cross in company with Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Jesus. By comparing Mat 27:56 and Mark 15:40, we find that this Mary and "Mary the mother of James the little" are one and the same person, and that she was the sister of our Lord's mother. She was that "other Mary" who was present with Mary of Magdala at the burial of our Lord (Mat 27:61; Mark 15:47); and she was one of those who went early in the morning of the first day of the week to anoint the body, and thus became one of the first witnesses of the resurrection (Mat 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1).—Easton's Illustrated Dictionary


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 Reading the Bible without applying it to your life can be downright dangerous. On August 3, 1996, Melvin Hitchens sat on his front porch and read the Bible. After his Bible-reading, this sixty-six-year-old New Orleans resident went in his house and retrieved a .45 caliber handgun. He then went back outside and shot his neighbors. He killed Donna Jett as she swept her sidewalk, and injured Darryl Jett while he was mowing. Family members and neighborhood residents testified that Hitchens and the Jetts had a running feud over the care of their yards and the cleanliness of the gutters. Positive transformation requires the application of God’s Word.

Houston Chronicle, Aug. 5, 1996, p. 7A